List of my great JS visits!!

OK, I’ll try to make a list of all the JS’s I got to meet personally.

!. Wizardress in Holland

2. Lowandslow/Scott and dcmb01/Kelley in Dallas, Texas

3. Likeisaid/Betty and her husband Hamborn/Paul also met in Dallas, Texas

4. Gillardia/Stephanie and her later husband drstrangelove/ Brett Melton also in Dallas, Texas

5. Harpo, Juanderlust/ John in my hometown of El Cajon, California

6. Justfly/ Gwen when she managed to visit me in Germany!!

7. Mermaidinflames/Mia at her home in San Francisco, California

8. Fitzgerald/Kelvin in my hometown El Cajon, California

9. Kershew/Janet also in my hometown of El Cajon, California.

10. Mr Schribbler/Ray Thursday 3 times, one in San Diego, California and  once in San José, California

11. Fin/   in Edinborough, Scotland: he was the guy who introduced me to JS!!

12. Ramonster/Ramon on a visit he made in Frankfurt

13. Greeneyes/Lenn and Tee/Trina in 2008 Lake Havasu, Arizona, USA

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